In the beginning God created Marriage..and God does not create anything that is a mistake,,or something that can not be fulfilled.. Gen 2 says that we are to CLEAVE..not throw up our hands and just dont make me happy today,,so I choose not to Cleave to you today..We are ONE FLESH.. You dont have the ability to walk away from yourself when you arent happy and times are tough..nor do we have the right to walk away from our spouse when times are tough .. God wants us to Cleave to the mate he made for us..and to Pray when times are hard,,and things arent all roses.. No one including God said Marriage would be easy.. But we must do our part to ~cling, to adhere closely,to remain faithful , and leave the rest up to God.. He adores Marriage,,and he wants us to all to be happy and content..But Satan does not.. so why would you be surprised when trials come.. Be determined to fight for your marriage.. Dont throw your hands up and just hand it over to Satan.. Lift your hands and give your marriage to the one who created it..Our Lord and Savor...
I hope you will come by my Heart of the H♥me facebook page and say Hi
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